Opening of play room at Santa Casa de Misericórdia

Opening of play room at Santa Casa de Misericórdia

With the support of Fadiga Mardula Buosi e Camargo lawyers and partners CREDISAN, SANCOR, (Degitel, Caldan, 220 volts and Locadora Mantiqueira), it was opened the new playroom of Santa Casa de Misericórdia D. Carolina Malheiros, based in São João da Boa Vista- SP. After being aware of the former situation of the playroom in the Santa Casa, the Office has devised the Project, and with the support of the partners mentioned above, concluded the refurbishment Jobs, offering the sick children a happy and welcoming environment. As shown in the images, this mobilization acquired numerous quality toys, including TV installation, DVD and air conditioning system, all according to the standard required by the local. According to researches, is it proved that playing contributes to the hospitalised children recovery, making that the treatments and painful procedures to which they must be submitted to become easier.
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