IV Latin American Course in Arbitration Training

IV Latin American Course in Arbitration Training

On September 27th, it was finished the IV Latin American course in arbitration training, organized by Defamília- Strategies for entrepreneurs’ families, in which our firm participated after incitation from GEJUR- Gestão Jurídica Empresarial. The training was divided into 3 (three) modules executed in June, August and September, the two first at the Algi headquarter in São Paulo, and the last one in Buenos Aires, Argentina, at Mediaras office- Mediaciones Privadas. The conclusion of the course added to the approval in a final exam qualified the students to receive the Arbitration Certificate of course completion –CCCM of CONIMA (National Board of the Institutions of Mediation and Arbitration). The Fadiga Mardula Buosi e Camargo firm participated of this course through the professional Ricardo Augusto Kazuo Okuda from Sorocaba subsidiary. In the picture, the participants, professors and course coordinator: