ISG Event

ISG Event

In December 14th 2012 at 09h00, our associate Bernardo Buosi, representing our Firm, was present at the “2nd meeting of Valuable Volunteers from Société Générale group”. The reception took place at the “Cacique Auditorium” at Av. Paulista, São Paulo. After a delicious breakfast, the opening ceremony was held by Ms. Anne Chonné, vice president of Société Générale group and by the social responsibility department coordinator of the institute, Mr. Cláudio Lima.

Afterwards, Mr. Francis Repka, president of the Société Générale group, explained about the value of the projects to which the institute gets involved, as well as about the importance of every volunteer and contributor, with an Express mention to our Office. After the presentation was concluded, we were honoured with 5 seals in the following categories: – lecturer- engagement of the Office with lectures held by our associate Fábio A.

Fadiga and with participation of the associate Felipe Viguinha in the Gol de Trabalho Project in Rio de Janeiro; – Donator- Financial contribution of materials to the assisted entities by the institute; –Social mentor- offering from the Office, through the associate Fábio A.Fadiga, of accompanying children Who need assistance and orientation in personal life and first steps in Professional life;- Volunteers citizenship week- Office participation, in June 2012, in the citizenship week for the increase of resources funding and social environmental responsibilities politics; – Social Partner- The Office has become a regular partner of the institute beyond getting involved in projects which occur throughout the year, it also donates regular amounts. The event had, as a main purpose, thank to everybody who dedicate and donate part of their lives to social projects supported and financed by Société Générale group,

The search for a better world will only happen with action!!